Aleister Crowley.
There, I did it. I wrote the name of the man whom J.K Rowling, whether she knows it or not, based her Lord Voldemort upon. The original, and very real “He Who Shall Not Be Named.”
Even saying his name is enough to invoke his attention and ample enticement to draw his energy into your field.
Founder of the Order of Thelema and expelled from the Masonic Order of the Golden Dawn, for treading and leading others down the Left Path. Hiis deeds were so notorious newspapers furnished him with the irreverent title, “The World’s Most Wicked Man.”
He’s not someone you would necessarily wish to invoke. For this reason, and others I won't get into here, I henceforth refer to him simply as “A.C”.
Yes, I know there will be some who scoff at this, who will dismiss my caution as “fear based” modus operandi. Hopefully such minded people will entertain me and view the following with an open mind.
To understand what happened, I have to go back a couple of years to a young and very talented Code Keeper, Hannah, giving her first speech to an assembled group of spiritualists in Sydney.
The subject was the channeling of Light Codes. As Hannah spoke a rather large code she had commissioned from me was viewed by the assemblage. As such, afterward I was keen to learn of how the event transpired. I had only been drawing codes for a couple of months and was already getting exposure and was very thankful and excited for Hannah.
Hannah reported that it was great, except for one member in the audience who persisted in interrupting by injecting “A.C” by name and laying some claim that the Light Codes had something to do with him.
The limited knowledge I had gleaned of “A.C” was enough to send a deep chill down my spine.
At the time, I hypothesized the individual at the seminar had been trying to invoke “A.C”’s presence, or at the very least his energy to be bound to Hannah and/or our work.
It left a shadow lingering in the back of my mind. A state of readiness, where I watched events around my own Light Code work with some trepidation.
Even though I enthusiastically participated in Hannah's Keepers of the Codes Facebook Group, part of me knew something wasn't right
So I watched. Waited.
Then, just as I was letting my guard down and chastising myself for my concerns, I saw it.
Hannah had recently returned from a trip to the UK, Mr “A.C"'s old stomping ground. Instead of following Hannah's adventures abroad I disengaged somewhat. There was something about her Live videos that pushed me away.
I tried to ignore the feeling, but that little voice in the back of my head just wouldn't let it go.
Shortly after her return a member of the KotC announced they were removing their codes from the group on intuitive advice.
I reviewed the comments and saw repeated insistence from other members that there was no need to do so. The wording such that I felt there were subtle attempts to shame him for his decision. This was not the usual type of commentary I had come to expect from this loving and accepting digital community.
It was a complete disregard of this gentleman’s “free will”, which set off my Left Path alarm bells.
On the spur of the moment, I reached out to both the group and Hannah and was greeted with the image of a throng of people behind which stood an ominous shadow. Long tentacles trailed back from members of the throng into the outstretched fingers of this presence, like an army of marionettes at the end of their puppet master’s strings.
The Shadow turned its attention my way and loomed forward, rushing to close the distance with me and I immediately let the image go.
I didn’t know what this thing was, but Hannah’s words detailing the strange man at the seminar came flooding back.
Upon reflection of my disengagement of Hannah's trip to the UK and the tapering of my interest in the KotC, I knew something had attached to her whilst she had been there.
My only way of contacting her was through Facebook Messenger, but each time I completed the warning and hit “send” all text disappeared. It simply vanished.
I sent “test” messages to other people on the app, all of which went through with no problem, but each time I attempted to contact Hannah the result was the same - the text was replaced with a blank screen and a solitary flashing curser. It was futile. My fingers hovered over my phone screen as I ran through my options.
How was I going to warn her without garnering further attention from this entity.
I ended up posting a somewhat obscure message in The Alchemists’ Lounge. I spoke of the experience without mentioning names - hoping Hannah would see it and put two and two together.
I then went through an energy clearing process, under the guidance of my wife, which saw the removal of numerous etheric cords that appeared as black pulsating veins. These were in my back, the back of my head, my legs and my groin. It took a couple of goes to clear it all, with my spiritual mentor even reaching out through our facebook group to advise of cords we had missed and advised to stay clear of the source.
After the separation of these conduits during the guided meditation, I watched them slither back into the fingers of the puppeteer, which presented itself as a giant, grotesque parody of a Gremlin. It leered at me as the last of the threads sucked back into its thumb. There was no malice, just bemusement and mocking contempt. Then it withdrew.
To my relief, a couple of weeks later Hannah posted that she had received assistance from a healer to clear a negative force that had attached to her whilst in England.
Though the storm seemed to have passed, something lingered in the back of my mind. Something told me that this was not over. So I neglected to rejoin the group until I could ascertain whether it was all clear - meaning that I was clear of any negative attachments so as not to further corrupt the group that this entity seemed intent on feeding upon.
What I didn't expect was that things were about to get much worse.
A couple of weeks later I took my family to see “The House With A Clock In Its Wall.” It was a great movie that the kids enjoyed immensely. But there’s no doubt that, there is subliminal messaging hidden within the dark imagery of this movie for, as I fell asleep that night, I slipped into dark dreams of the like I hope to never experience again ….
In the series of flashing images I saw a woman coupled with me. She wore a hooded cloak and nothing more as she drew a ceremonial dagger across her lactating breast and pulled my head in to suckle from mingling blood and milk. She then pushed me back, pricked my chest and did likewise. I felt no fear and greeted what happened next with certainty that I would be reborn as she raised the dagger and drove it into my chest.
The images shifted to me standing over a fair haired woman on an altar. At the opposite end, another man was thrusting into her to the beat of drums sounding beyond the darkness surrounding us. I will not recreate the scene beyond saying it was dark sex magick that resulted in the same priestess as my previous vision appearing with her ceremonial dagger again. The scene ended with both the priestess and I helping the woman on the altar guid the steel into her own heart.
I watched the woman’s hand go limp and fall away.
My eyes flew open, my heart in throat while I blinked back the darkness in search of the ceiling fan. Focusing on the fan is one of the fastest means I have to ground in the moment.
The shock quickly passed, but a disturbing acknowledgment of my lack of horror remained in its wake.
I cannot recall whether I spoke of the dream the following morning, whilst Sara and I shared our daily dream experiences and analysis. It was perplexing and something I wished to put behind me.
I told myself I had more to worry about than bizzare dreams, such as my first breathwork seminar to prepare for. So I headed to work, trying to ignore the dread settling over me.
As part of my Breathwork Seminar I planned to lead two guided meditations. This was a first for me so I felt the need to do some research during downtime at work.
After downloading a short PDF on Meditation I found myself reading a “Hand Guide to Sex Magick”. I was but pages in and my eyes roving casually over the text when a stranger's voice started echoing that those words in my mind. The author's repeated references and insistence that an exchange in bodily fluids is essential for potency etc brought my nightmare to the fore.
But the voice dismissed my concerns and I failed to appreciate the implications.
I finished the text and hit the download button, which returned me to the gallery of books my search had lead me to. That's when I realised I was on a download page for all of “A.C”’s published works.
Ordinarily, I would have closed it and deleted my browser history. But that day, I found myself presenting all manner of excuses to proceed.
“There is no such thing as duality. You are just operating from a place of fear.”
“Energy is energy, it is all the same. Who am I to judge it with my own Catholic heritage skewed notions of morality?”
“It’s just a bunch of books, there might actually be something in here you can use.”
By the end of my shift, I had downloaded the entire library of AC’s works and started reading his book on meditation.
It made sense to me. The parallels between what I read in those digital pages and what I had learned in the martial arts world aligned far better than what I had previously seen in other spirituality books.
In short, his words “spoke” to me in more ways than one, as did other … furtive whispers in the back of my mind.
Not only did they speak to me, they stopped me from speaking to others.
I became withdrawn. Silent at the dinner table, unless directly engaged in conversation. Even my view of the world became distant, as though I had taken a step back in my mind, distancing myself from my field of vision.
The need to get back to the meditation book constantly niggled at me, but so to did the need to keep its nature secret.
The paranoia was overwhelming.
Over the next three days I became increasingly obsessed with reading and taking notes on meditation from his text. Every time Sara asked me what I was reading, I would hear a voice in my head whisper.
“Keep it secret.”
So I did.
I replied with half truths such as, “Oh, just a book on meditation,” and then diverted the conversation onto the actual topic I was reading about, such as “I am just learning about Asana.”
Part of me knew there was something gravely wrong here. It shouted warning from afar, but it was muffled and easily muted. I even began to WANT to shut it out, but it persisted - thankfully.
I started journaling my experience in the hope that there may just be something there on revision that would snap me out of this bizarre state of mind.
By the third day I had become extremely distant from my family and found it difficult to talk about even the smallest aspects of the topic I was reading. Unless speaking directly of the principles of that I was more than willing to impart with others. But each time the subject of source came up I heard those words.
“Keep it secret,” and a ball of phlegm would form in my throat, choking out any sound until I changed the subject entirely.
On the afternoon of that third day, I found myself seated, alone, outside a local bakery, stuffing my face with a pie, a vanilla slice and a large flavoured milk. All of which were prohibited foods, that I had not eaten for many months.
I felt like a ship's sail, tattered and shredded, blowing on a sinister etheric wind.
I scoffed down the junk food like an ice addict hastening for a fix, as I contemplated how I could purchase a large leather bound book. I had the inkling to literally recreate “A.C”’s works from start to finish in a single complete handwritten volume. A true Necronomicon styled tome.
It was at the moment, while I planned where to hide my new masterpiece, that I had a flash of clarity.
I dropped what remained of the vanilla slice and milk in a bin and raced to the nearest tattoo shop, organising to have a series of runes tattooed on my hand. It was something I designed some months ago as a ward against negative energies.
I think it was pretty clear to the tattooist that there was a level of desperation in me, so he finished of his day warding my hand.
As soon as the tattooing process began I felt some of the fog clear and by the following day I was able to openly speak with Sara about it.
Even then part of me was minimising what had happened and convinced me she would brush it off as something trivial. The whole, “There is no such thing as dark forces,” lie people tell themselves?
Her words were the final nail in the coffin, the driving hammer whose knocking reverberated into my very being and snapped me wide awake.
“What were you thinking? You don’t know what intent he put into those words. You don't know what is hidden.”
Once again, we cut cords and I even managed to delete the books from my Google Drive.
I felt better, but still not 100%.
It’s been a couple of weeks now and I have the weight lifted from my shoulders for the first time in what seems an eternity, thanks to all the work of my VERY understanding and wonderful Sara and a potent Kinesiology session that involved extensive work on releasing “A.C” and his influences as well as demonic energies that lingered and still influenced my crown chakra.
I sit here one day post the kinesiology session my Crown and all along my spine feels raw and sunburned. It's uncomfortable enough to remind me that this was very real.
As to whether the experience with the Facebook group and the most recent events are directly related, I cannot say. But the fact that AC has played a dominant part in both is surely no coincidence.
If there has been anything that has come from this experience it is this - I cannot warn people enough NOT to open the pages of ANYTHING written by AC. No matter how innocuous the topic may seem, or whether you simply do not believe in the Left Path. No matter how “high vibe” you may be, it simply is not worth it.
As I hold in my hand the very verse used in the kinesiology session that cleared the final strands of influence, I see my path finally clear before me.
A career in Demonology awaits. But I need to up my defensive practices to avoid once again becoming a marionette on the strings off a Left Path Puppeteer.